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Clinical Trends of Reproductive Disorders of Cows in Rajshahi District of Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.advisor Sarder, Md. Jalal Uddin Khaton, Rashida 2022-05-06T08:03:01Z 2022-05-06T08:03:01Z 2016
dc.description This thesis is Submitted to the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) en_US
dc.description.abstract The aim of the present study was to evaluate the “Clinical trends of reproductive disorders of cows in Rajshahi district of Bangladesh.” The whole study was divided into three experiments to achieve the goal very successfully. Experiment I: Study on reproductive trends of dairy cows in Rajshahi district The present study was carried out from 6 upazilas and 4 metro thanas at Rajshahi district to evaluate the Clinical trends (reproductive performance and disorders) of dairy cows. A total of 500 cows selected and data were collected directly from the dairy farms owner by using questionnaires and diagnosis of reproductive disorders (RD) was made on the basis of history, clinical signs and response to treatment from July 2013 to June 2014. The average reproductive performance (RP) were recorded as age at puberty (AP) 26.42±0.22 m, age at first calving (AFC) 35.48±0.22 m, postpartum heat period (PPHP) 121.85±3.48 days, service per conception (S/C) 1.93±0.04, days open (DO) 136.80±3.57 days and calving interval (CI) 401.04±3.94 days. The better RP was found at Boalia and Rajpara thana but poor performance at Godagari upazila. Genotype had significant effect (P<0.05) on all the reproductive traits (RT) except on S/C. Local (L) × Holstein Friesian (HF) genotype showed earlier AP and AFC than L× Sahiwal (SL) and L. Age group had significant (P<0.05) effect on AP, AFC and other parameters were not significant (P>0.05). Middle age groups of cows had shown better RP than others groups. Parities of cows had significant effect (P<0.05) on PPHP, S/C, DO except on AP, AFC and CI. Third parity had better RP than others. The best RP was found in >300 kg BW groups. Body condition score had significant effect (P<0.05) on all RP. Good body condition score (BCS) had excellent RP. Secondary educational status of farmers had obtained better RP. Farming experience, rearing system and geographical location of farm had no significant effect (P>0.05) on RP. Farm size had significant effect (P<0.05) on all RT except on S/C and DO. The best RP was found in small size farm, concrete type of floor, good ventilation system, good quality of feed, preventive measure by veterinarian and AI breeding method. The overall prevalence of productive and RD was 78.6%. It was recorded, among the reproductive and productive diseases, abortion 13.4%, retained placenta 10.2%, dystocia 5.4%, vaginal prolapse 2.4%, uterine prolapse 1.4%, metritis 1.6%, pyometra 1.8%, still birth 0.8%, anoestrus 24.6%, repeat breeding 11.4%, mastitis 4.4% and milk fever 1.2%. The highest occurrence of RD was recorded in Tanore upazila (9.2%) and the lowest in Poba upazila (6.2%). Between the upazila and metro thanas the minimum occurrence of RD were recorded in metro thanas (31%) than upazilas (47.6%). The cross-bred cows were found more susceptible to RD (60.6%) than Local (18%). Maximum RD were observed in L×HF (37.2%) than L (18%). The highest prevalence of RD was observed in >9 years age groups of cows. The highest RD were observed in 2nd parity of cows. 200 to <300 kg body weight had shown the highest RDs than others. Good body condition score (BCS) had the lowest chance of RD than others. Secondary educational status of farmers had the lowest occurrence (16.4%) of RD than other group. The lowest (15.2%) RD was observed in vast farming experience (>5 yrs). The lowest prevalence of RD was found in grazing on pasture land (12.6%) and higher RD in intensive rearing system (39.8%). The small size farm was found minimum chance (20.6%) to RDs than others groups. The minimum no. of cows suffering from RDs in semi-urban (23%) than others. Less change of RDs in cows by natural service (19%) than artificial insemination (59.6%). Experiment-II: Study on biometrical measurement of reproductive organs in cows at study area A biometrical study of female reproductive organs of 100 dairy cows of different genotypes (Local, Local × Holstein Friesian, Local × Jersey and Local × Sahiwal), age (<3, 3 to ≤5, >5 years) and body weight (<200, 200 to <300, >300 kg) groups and different parities were conducted to measure reproductive organs. Reproductive organs (RO) of cows were collected immediately after slaughter from different slaughter houses in Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) area. The mean length of vulva, vagina, cervix and body of uterus were recorded as 8.85±0.14 cm, 22.59±0.34 cm, 5.02±0.11 cm and 3.12±0.72 cm, respectively and corresponding values for the width were 4.83±0.13 cm, 5.44±0.16 cm, 4.56±0.12 cm and 2.51±0.59 cm, respectively. The mean length of right uterine horn and oviduct were 25.34±0.72 cm and 21.05±0.39 cm and that of left one were 25.79±0.73 cm and 21.00±0.38 cm, respectively. Local × Holstein Friesian had significantly higher values (P<0.05) on the most of parameters (Length, width, thickness and weight) of genitalia measured, followed by the Local × Jersey, Local × Sahiwal and Local. L×HF had recorded the longest uterine horn (29.20 ± 1.65 cm for right and 29.87 ± 1.75 cm for left), uterine body (3.42±0.20 cm length and 2.83±1.40 cm width), cervix (5.64±0.24 cm length and 4.89±0.23 cm width) and vagina (24.66±0.64 cm length and 6.08±0.36 cm width) than other genotype. Age group >5 years and BW groups >300 kg and 3rd parity had significantly (P<0.05) higher values on most of the parameters measured than other age groups, BW groups and parities, respectively. All biometrical measurements of RO were increased with the advancement of age and body weight indicated the effect of age and body weight of cows. The right ovary was wider in diameter, larger in length and heavier in weight than left one in all genotypes, age and body weight groups. This confirms the fact of right ovary being more active than the left one. In conclusion, the biometry of reproductive organs in L × HF and L × J and age group (3 to ≤ 5 and >5 years) and body weight group (200 to <300 and >300 kg) of dairy cows are suggestive for selection to get maximum benefits from crossbreeding in respect of productive and RP for livestock improvement and also for genetic improvement. Experiment-III: Study on the gross and histopathological changes of the affected organs A study was conducted to determine the pathological diseases (PD) in the reproductive system of cows. A total of 115 female genital organs were randomly collected during the period from March, 2014 to June, 2015 from eight (8) slaughter houses of Rajshahi district. All samples were collected from the cows irrespective of ages. Among these samples, 73% samples showed gross and histopathological changes. The result showed that pathological conditions recorded grossly in the reproductive system were granular vulvo-vaginitis (9.57%), swollen and edematous cervix (10.43%), endometritis (19.14%), pyometra (5.21%), mucometra (2.61%), parasitic cyst within the uterus (0.87%), follicular cyst (9.57%), luteal cyst (2.61%), multicystic ovary (1.73%), mesovarian cyst (0.87%), sub-active ovary (3.48%) and hemorrhage in ovary (6.96%). The representative samples were preserved in 10% buffered neutral formalin for histopathological examination. The relative incidences of various histopathological disorders were endometritis (30.36%), cervicitis (21.42%), vaginitis (23.21%), follicular cyst (17.87%) and multicystic ovary (7.14%). It is concluded that more than one disorder were existed in all sample. These disorders in the female genital organ of cows would enable us to design future research and hygienic care at breeding and parturition should be into consideration and also support to manage the different fertility related problems in cows. Finally, it was concluded that monitoring of the reproductive health status of cows is helpful for making decision about treatment or culling of non-productive cows from the herd and also selection of good quality of dairy cows for increase calf and milk production which will be helpful to overcome losses due to reproductive disorders. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Rajshahi en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries ;D3922
dc.subject Clinical Trends en_US
dc.subject Reproductive Disorders en_US
dc.subject Cows en_US
dc.subject Rajshahi en_US
dc.subject Bangladesh en_US
dc.subject Veterinary and Animal Sciences en_US
dc.title Clinical Trends of Reproductive Disorders of Cows in Rajshahi District of Bangladesh en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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