This thesis Centre’s on a class of certain pseudo complemented partial lattices. This partial lattice is said to be a JP-semilattice. An algebraic structure S = (S, /\, V), where (S, /\) is a semilattice and V is a partial binary operation on S, is said to be a JP-Semilattice if for all x, y, z E S the following axioms hold. (i) x V x exists and x V x = x;
(ii) x Vy exists implies y V x exists and x Vy = y V x;
(iii) xVy, yV z and (xvy) V z exists implies xv (y V z) exists and (xVy) V z = XV (y V z);
(iv) x Vy exists implies x = x I\ (x Vy);
(v) x V (x I\ y) exists and x = x V (x I\ y);
(vi) y V z exists implies (x I\ y) V (x I\ z) exists. In Chapter 1 we give a background of JP-semilattices. We prove that the set of all ideals of a JP-semilattice is a lattice. Unfortunately, the description of join of two ideals of a JP-semilattice is not good enough like as ideals of a lattice. We close this chapter by giving a relation between JP-homomorphism and order-preserving map. In Chapter 2 we define modular and distributive JP-semilattices. We show that every distributive JP-semilattice is modular but the converse is not necessarily true. We prove that a JP-semilattice is non-modular if and only if it has a sublattice isomorphic to the pentagonal lattice. Here we also study the ideals lattice of a modular (distributive) JP-semilattice. We have given some characterizations of modular and distributive JP-semilattice using the ideals lattice. We also give the Stone's Separation Theorem for distributive JP-semilattices. We also prove that if I is an ideal and F is a filter of a distributive JP-semilattice disjoint from I, then there is a minimal prime ideal containing I and disjoint from F.In Chapter 3 we study the congruences of a JP-semilattice. We describe the smallest and largest JP-congruences containing an ideal as a class. Here we characterize a distributive JP-semilattice by JP-homomorphism and JP-congruence. We prove the Homomorphism Theorem for JP-semilattices. We have given a description of the smallest JP-congruence containing a filter as a class. The quotient of JP-congruence containing a filter as a class is not necessarily a lattice. We impose a condition on the filter, which we call strong filter, to make the quotient JP-semilattice a lattice. Then we study the quotient lattices. Here we give a representation of the set of the prime ideals of the quotient lattice.
This Thesis is Submitted to the Department of Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)