Groundwater with high arsenic concentrations from naturally occurring sources is the primary source of drinking water for millions of people in Bangladesh resulting in a major public health crisis of recent times. Arsenic concentrations can vary greatly from well to well, making the prediction of arsenic concentrations in a specific well very difficult. For that reason, arsenic concentration in various water sources at southeastern Bangladesh was studied.
People in Bangladesh, particularly in the rural areas. are accustomed to using groundwater from hand tube wells for long and unlike surface water, it is considered safe from bacteriological pollution. In view of the overwhelming dependence of the population on groundwater, development of existing arsenic mitigation technologies such as rainwater harvester method, four pitcher method, two bucket method, pond sand filter, removal of arsenic through aeration and sand filtration, removal of arsenic through aeration, gravel and sand filtration, arsenic and iron removal system, arsenic removal through different sealing technologies and arsenic mitigntion in deep tube wells were studied in rural areas of south-eastern Bangladesh. But nol any method was not succeeded due to reliable result, illiteracy of rural people, lacking of suitability and awareness of people.
Arsenic contaminated aquifers have no regular pattern, varies both horizontally and vertically within short distances and is commonly associated with fluctuating water tables. My research revealed about status of groundwater arsenic variations with respect to depth, seasons and age of tube wells. A total of 358 no. of tube well samples from the southeastern region were analyzed for arsenic contamination of ground water. MERCK Arsenic Test Kit no. I, 17926,0001 was used to determine arsenic contamination. Tube well water depth was measured with the help of avometer, measuring tap and plastic insulated wire. -------
This Thesis is Submitted to the Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)