Black band disease of jute ( Corchorus capsu/aris L. and C. olitorius L.) caused by lJoflyodip/odia theobromoe Pal. was studied during .lune' 1999 to October'200 I in Northern part of 13angladesh. The per cent or disec1sed jute plants were ranged between 19-27%. Optimum conidial germi1rntion of B. theobromae occurred al 25°-30°C, at pH 6 to 7 and at RH l 00%. The l'ungus prefer 1.5% glucose and l: l 5 (w/v) concentrations of cowclung sqlution for its conidial germination. Whereas, 1% KNO3 and NaNO3 salt solution gave better germination or conidia. The fungus freely germinates higher (93%) in river water compared lo those from other sources of waler. The highest mycelial growth c1nd dry weight orB. theobromac> was observed in PD;\ and lowest in Richard's medium. On the other hand. formation of conidia showed reverse effect in both the media. When the l'ungus was cultured on 20% cowdung medium showed better growth. 3%concentration of boron had good elTect on mycelial growth of B. rheobromae. Mustard oil cake is more favorable for the mycelial grovvth of B. theobromae than that or Linseed oil cake. Among the dirlercnt plant extracts tested, Datura mete/ medium showed better inhibition in culture. The growth or the llmgus was found to be affected by the different light conditions and heller growth was recorded in continuous light condition. -------
This Thesis is Submitted to the Department of Botany, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh for The Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil)