The chemistry of the peroxo complexes of various transition metals has received considerable attention in recent· years mainly because they are sources of active oxygen atoms and can be used as stoichiometric as well as catalytic oxidants for organic and inorganic substrates; e.g., they can be successfully used for the oxidation of ole-fins, ketones, phosphines, arsines etc., We have successfully employed peroxo complexes to generate glycerin from ally l alcohol which is. indeed, an industrial aspect of the project.
The present thesis describes isolation and characterization of different peroxo complexes of Zr (IV), Th (IV), Mo (VI), W (VI) and U (VI) ions containing different bi-dent. Ate, tri-dentate and quardri-dentate ligands. A few oxygen transfer reactions of the complexes towards ole-fins, ketones, triphenyl phosphine and triphenyl arsine have been investigated……..
This Thesis is Submitted to the Department of Chemistry, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)